Physical Medium Rev Mychael Shane

Rev. Mychael Shane – Biography

Even as a child Rev. Mychael Shane, born July 2. 1963, showed tremendous psychic abilities.  His training began at the age of 4 in the Spiritualist Church of his grandmother.  Her Minister took Mychael under his wing and instructed the talented young psychic in Mediumship until family problems tore him from creative and supportive surroundings.  Yet throughout the following years that were filled with the ups and downs that his life would dish out, his Spirit Guide ‘Bobi’ would always be there for him, counseling him, guiding him, and comforting him ….. and she was not alone.

From the time he was a young boy, Mychael has maintained the ability to be a clear and steady channel of telepathic messages from the Etheric Realms and the Great Ascended Masters of Shamballa.  He communicates regularly with his personal Master Teacher who the world knows as Master Jesus, and also Lady Nada (his beloved ‘Bobi’), the Count St. Germain, Master EL Morya, Master Koot Humi and many other immortals of the Great Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.

He is also able to read the future and the past through the Akashic records.
After a number of life detours as a soldier, musician and businessman, Rev. Mychael Shane returned to his spiritual work in earnest in the 1990’s.  His development was so dramatic, he decided he would seek testing on a scientific level, to document his phenomena.

In 1996, Dr. Edward Wilson Ph.D., performed testing on Rev. Mychael at the HeartMath Institute in Vallejo, California.  Later that same year, Drs. Jerry Pittman MD, Ph.D. and Dan Chartier MD, Ph.D. also tested Mychael at the Tremont Medical Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

As a Trance-Physical and Trans-Dimensional Phenomena Medium, Rev. Mychael Shane’s demonstrations of materialization, apportation and other phenomena are often dramatic and sometimes mind boggling to say the least.  But he sees the phenomena as less important than his ultimate mission which is to create seven Temples around the planet, bringing forth to the world the Teachings of the Real Ascended Masters, to assist and enable individuals to connect to the Spirit World, their Guides and Master Teachers, and to work directly with the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters of Shamballa.

Through Rev. Mychael’s efforts, the Ascended Masters seek to bring help; to uplift humanity and manifest world peace by assisting their students to awaken their connections to the higher realms, whereby the veil that separates the dimensions begins to fade.

Rev. Mychael has said, “The world is a beautiful place created by God in the vibration of love.  I feel that we can see this truth by changing the old ways of thinking to the vibration of love.”

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