Secret Spot

The internet is full of information, however, sometimes we don't know where or what to look for. I create this page full of links to provide good holistic material ..DON'T MISS THEM

Note: I do not have any ownership over these materials. There are only links and sometimes are removed. If you find that any of the links is not working then I would appreciate it if you let me know. 

SPIRITUAL GUIDES follow them on YouTube

  • Kundun - it is an epic biographical story of the Dalai Lama and how they are selected Trailer
  • Astral City - is about what is after death. The story was channeled. Trailer.
These movies were removed however try to watch them ...
  • The Secret - it is about the Law of Attraction. Trailer.
  • Heaven is for Real - it is about a boy who sees life after this world and sees Jesus. Trailer.
  • Conversation with God - learn about the power of Automatic Writing. Trailer.
  • The Science on Crystals - be aware of the crystal's benefits. Trailer.

      Basic Information
      More complex information


This is for your information only as educational material. Always consult with your doctor if you decide to take or do anything that could affect your health for good or bad. 

MIND POWER videos or documentaries

Fill your day with Love and Bring Abundance to your Life...

I invite you to listen to some of the Hay House Podcast...they are free and full of wisdom. Explore and expand your knowledge here or just select Podcast in iTunes and search for Hay House. You would love it.
Set Your Intention:

"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


There are many great things to do in South Florida!!!