How to do Basic Breath Meditation?

If you really want to heal your body or elevate your vibrational energy to have a better life or improve your power of manifestation then you need to commit to meditate because it is the best tool to achieve these goals.

I think that Breath Meditation is an amazing way of meditation because it doesn’t depend on anything (only you) and you already have everything you need to conduct your daily practice.

If you feel that you cannot do this meditation because you don’t have patient with yourself then I highly recommend you to try because you really need to find a way to learn to manage your thoughts to improve your life.

It is super simple.
  1. Just sit anywhere where you feel comfortable. It is better to keep you back straight.  
  2. If you want you can set a timer, so you don’t have to worry about the timing. You can use your cellphone alarm or event better download any app like “chakra chime”. This app rings a bell in the beginning and at the end.  Bells are awesome.
  3. Now just close your eyes and start noticing your breathing. As you breathe in, be aware that you are breathing in. As you breathe out, notice that you are breathing out. Every in-breath can bring joy, every out-breath can bring calm and relaxation.
  4. Allow every muscle in your body to relax, including the muscles of your face.

The idea of this meditation is to be in silence and only aware to your breathing patterns. If you sit regularly, it will become a habit. With daily practice you will master this technique and you will experience invaluable results. 

With time you will realize that you don’t need a special time or place to do your meditation, because it is always with you.


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"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


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