The Powerful Full Moon - Next Feb 10, 2017

The Full Moon is said to symbolize different things in various cultures, including the control of water as well as the rhythm of time. The lunar cycle has, in time, also been attributed to the various mental and emotional states of people. Do you know that the word "lunatic" is a result of such symbolism! 

At the Full Moon, the energy builds and builds....there's an explosive outgoing aspect to it. That is a good reason to be aware when the next Full Moon is coming and keep wisely control over your emotions. Why over your emotions?

Recently I was telling a friend that Full Moon has the same effect as Clear Quartz does, which is intensify the energies that you are carrying. So try to be the most peaceful and happy during Full Moon and those emotions would be expanded on you.

All of nature grows and is more vital at the Full Moon. This surge allows you to take action on behalf of those new Moon intentions you set two week prior (hope you did some intentions – if not just wait for the next New Moon).

Full Moon ritual might involve taking one solid step, with a symbolic action. And it can be a powerful time to release, unburden yourself, purge, cleaning, etc. Take the opportunity to step out of old skin, identity, behavior, attitude, relationship that it is not helping you to evolve. Consider to have a ritual which can helps you by marking this inner transformation in a formal way.

A full Moon ritual might involve purification by one of the elements. Most often, it's fire, and done by casting something you don't want into the flames.

One idea with Fire:
Prepare a safety fire spot
1) Write what you're releasing down on a stick or piece of paper
2) Resolve to let go as you throw it into the fire.
3) Throw it into the fire.

This can be done as a group, with everyone sitting 'round the fire...or in your own private ceremony. Each person can seal their action of letting go by speaking it aloud, if there's trust in the circle.

One idea to get cleansing with Water:
Prepare a bowl filled of water and flowers
1) Write what you're releasing down on a piece of paper
2) Resolve to let go as you throw it into the a bowl of water
3) Throw it into the water.
After reading aloud or silence our intention, you can put your hands in the bowl to signify the cleansing of the old, to open to the new.

Mainly it worked because there are trust and energy involved to open our heart and share our dreams. When that's there, you can evoke the magic of shifting consciousness at will because the support is palpable.

Fill your day with Love and Bring Abundance to your Life...

I invite you to listen to some of the Hay House Podcast...they are free and full of wisdom. Explore and expand your knowledge here or just select Podcast in iTunes and search for Hay House. You would love it.
Set Your Intention:

"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


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