Living in Prosperity...

Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. 

There are many free tools available to improve our prosperity. This aspect of our development is more about discipline than anything else.

Simple things like root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience a limited life can make a big difference in our daily living. We can transform our lives on all levels and attract a bounty of abundance.

Simple steps and recommendations:
  • Set aside at least twenty minutes a day to study and visualize your new life.
  • Buy a loose leaf binder and label it "Dreams Unlimited." This is a book version of the famous “Vision Board”. Do not limit your creativity. Write your affirmations, make notes about the process “dream freely”
  • Develop an affirmation for yourself based on what you are attempting to attract into your life. This is a positive sentence in a present tense.
  • Write out your affirmation at least ten times a day and put it in your notebook. Do this especially if you are getting any negative thoughts.
  • Ignore the naysayers, dream killers, and negative people who tell you that it can't be done. They are in their own world.
  • Spend a few quiet minutes every day breathing deeply and visualizing your goal as already completed. The secret on this one is to add emotions and use your 5 senses while elaborating your visualization.
  • Read books on creative visualization, prosperity consciousness, and positive thinking. This is a good way to raise and keep good level of prosperity energy.
  • Live "as if." If a circumstance in your life is not how you want it, withdraw your attention from it. Whatever you focus on expands. Live as if all of your dreams are a reality now.
  • "Follow your bliss."  Share your love where ever you can.
  • Let it go. Trust that the Universe. Live in a gratitude mode and accept things as they are, always looking a positive approach.
Thousand Blessing ~Namaste

Fill your day with Love and Bring Abundance to your Life...

I invite you to listen to some of the Hay House Podcast...they are free and full of wisdom. Explore and expand your knowledge here or just select Podcast in iTunes and search for Hay House. You would love it.
Set Your Intention:

"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


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