The Power of the Mantras

A mantra is originally known in Hinduism and Buddhism as a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.

With spiritual practices like yoga and meditation becoming more popular, it seems like everyone is talking about mantras. This is an amazing free gift to humanity to achieve inner peace.

As spiritual being looking to balance our existence we have to accept the world as it is. However sometimes it is not as easy as I said. Our thoughts can start going in different directions and causing unpleasant reactions to our peace of mind or even to our physical body. One thought can generate many emotions and even illness. Unfortunately negative emotions arrive easier and faster if we allow them to flow.

Couple years ago, I went through a very difficult time in my life that it caused many distress situations over my thoughts and my body. I knew that I couldn’t change the world around me but I could help myself in a better way. 

I was blessed to meet my great friend, Silvia Suñe, who taught me about the mantras and since that day I have been used them to quiet my mind and not allow negative thoughts to take over me. It is a powerful tool but it would depend on you to know how and when to use them.

Today I want to share the internet links from my beautiful friend Silvia who is a Mantra Master and she is offering this amazing knowledge free to everyone.

YouTube Channel: Mantras en Sanscrito

I could write pages and pages about how the mantras help me in my life but I would prefer you to experience it. Go and visit her page and watch her YouTube channel. Learn from the start. Take your Mantra gift and enrich your life with inner peace.

Thank you Silvia for your wonderful contribution to the world!!!


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"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


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