The Power of Now

The past is gone and the future is not here yet. The real only time we have is the present. If we dedicate our thoughts and heart to deal in the present time with high positive thoughts, our efforts of today will be present in a bright future.

If our thoughts are wondering too much about negative past memories, we can feel depressed very easy because all our memories are carrying emotions related to the events. When you recall a memory you also recall the emotion from that event.

Now if we are constantly wondering about the future, specially creating negative assumptions, then we can expect our body to fall into anxiety because the future is not here yet and we are already suffering today for our ideas about what may happen tomorrow. 
  • Be present and happy today.
  • Be aware of your thoughts. It is not difficult however it can make a big different in your life and your health.
If you want to learn more about positive thinking or affirmations I would recommend any material from Louisa Hay. I think she is the queen in that subject.

Be happy and peaceful all the time.


Fill your day with Love and Bring Abundance to your Life...

I invite you to listen to some of the Hay House Podcast...they are free and full of wisdom. Explore and expand your knowledge here or just select Podcast in iTunes and search for Hay House. You would love it.
Set Your Intention:

"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


There are many great things to do in South Florida!!!