Andean Despacho Ceremony

Type of Event: Healing Ceremony & Connection to Mother Earth

Despacho is the Quechua word for an offering. This ceremony describes the Andean practice of making offerings to the mountains (Apus), Mother Earth (Pachamama) and other spirits in reciprocity, reverence, and thanksgiving; this is a healing and energy exchange ceremony.

Carey Stokes is a certified Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine and is recognized as a Shamanic Teacher.

He did an Andean Despacho Ceremony and it was an amazing experience.

Carey explained, that this is a gift of giving back for what we receive every day in our lives. We seek through the Despacho ceremony, to bridge the ordinary and the non-ordinary realms to establish new patterns of relationship and possibilities.

This ceremony provides the participants an opportunity to bring balance and harmony to their lives and to all the relationships.

I was impressed with all the details and the energy involved in this ceremony. It was a great experience and definitely, it connected us to Pachamama (Mother Earth). During the ceremony, Carey added many organic elements to this gift. Everything had a representation to our inner or outside world.

This type of ceremony elevates our consciousness to gratitude, compassion, and love. It is a moment to pray and recognize those who make our world a better a place.

Thank you, Carey.


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