Paul Selig - Channeling Consciousness Awareness

Paul Selig is an international psychic medium who channel his Spiritual Guides to deliver a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation. Paul’s channel builds a bridge to the higher realms. His message is about consciousness awakening and spiritual unity.

He visited South Florida from time to time to do the workshops.  
I participated in an amazing weekend, full of high vibrations and awareness. This is the type of events that you need to be a participant to understand and feel the meaning of the event.

Once the workshop started Paul asked everyone to introduce themselves and share what brought them to the event. I was very surprised hearing people's introduction because 80% of the audience was describing their experiences while listening to his books and their desire to meet the author. Many people talked about how they felt energy while they were reading Paul’s book. Others mentioned how his teachings created an impact in their life. Some said that they just felt that they wanted to expand their experiences. Let me tell you, their comments about his books were so impressive that I felt the desire to buy one that night. So I bought his first book "I am the Word”.

After the introductions Paul gave us some references about his experiences and how he works with his Spiritual Guides. Then he started channeling. In the beginning I was a little shocked. My brain was trying to understand what was going on. I was hearing two voices, one clearly and another one hard to understand. Suddenly I understood to put my attention to the clear voice to receive and understand the messages from the Guides. 

All the information we received was profound knowledge to help us understand our position in the creation, the Divine Love and our Spiritual Path. The way the words were expressed allowed us to break our own mind barrier, to open our heart and received the message.

Paul allowed the Guides to conduct their teaching. We were submerged in their words. We also did some energy exercises to align our consciousness to our True Self.

Participants were allowed to ask a question about anything that they want to know about themselves. Then Paul with the Guide’s help connected to the person’s essence to understand the situation and sometimes he also connected to anyone else involved in the situation looking to see the whole picture and find advice for the person. It was incredible to see how Paul was doing these representations.

In general, I felt the whole event was amazing. Especially the last day, I had a beautiful sensation of love and happiness in my heart. I know this is one beautiful step in my Spiritual path. I am so grateful to Paul and the Guides for the opportunity to meet them. Thank you from my heart.

Now this is to you “my readers”....allow yourself to feel the Divine Energy and always remember that you are here as manifestation of your Divine Self.”

I highly recommend reading, at least, Paul’s first book “I am the Word” to receive the message from the Guides and keeping evolving in your journey.


Fill your day with Love and Bring Abundance to your Life...

I invite you to listen to some of the Hay House Podcast...they are free and full of wisdom. Explore and expand your knowledge here or just select Podcast in iTunes and search for Hay House. You would love it.
Set Your Intention:

"The prescription for success -is- Action" ~Me


There are many great things to do in South Florida!!!